Cashmere Goats
The most luxurious fiber in the world comes from goats! Cashmere goats to be exact. A special bonus is that these little creatures are fun, adorable and love people! Our flock started out with two baby girls, half sisters, Luna and Lena. Both are naturally colored Cashmeres. Their undercoat gets combed out. It is referred to as down, like on a duck. Each cashmere goat only produces about 4 oz. of down a year. That is why this fiber is so valuable, and so expensive when you find products made from Cashmere. We are slowly adding to our flock and hoping to add Angora goats, eventually.

Fiber Sheep
We raise sheep primarily for fiber. Our breed is Registered Finn sheep. This breed is known for a very fine wool. The wool is perfect for clothing, but also for crafting, such as needle felting. We are also hoping to add some Merinos to our flock.