Our Great Pyrenees
We have had Great Pyrenees on our Property since 1997. We needed a dog to protect our kids in the mountains. The only livestock we had at the time were chickens. So we welcomed our first Pyr to the family and we've had them ever since. In 2008, we aquired our Lily. She was so beautiful and so many friends had trouble finding Pyrs that we decided to get another male and breed. In 2012, we bought Patrick. They had their first litter 18 months later. Lily had three litters and then we retired her from breeding. As of this writing, she is now 12 years old and has earned porch status. Our other dogs know who is boss around here.
Available Pups
In late August, 2024, Heritage Ranch Gabriel’s Glory sired a litter by Snow. We had all healthy pups for the litter. Snow comes from parents that are in the lineage of the famous Karolaska line of Pyrenees. Gabriel is famous in his own right in that he came to us from the Wells Providence line of Pyrenees, a kennel also of show breeders in the Karolaska line. He has a fantastic temperament around people, but keeps away all predators. He is gentle and protective with all of our livestock. Snow is a good mother, protective of our home and all livestock, yet good with people. They make a winning combination of stout and sturdy, AKC registered pups that will be ready to go to their new homes one November 1-3.
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