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Great Pyrenees
FAQ: Welcome

Frequently Asked Questions

Important Information for Visitors or Prospective Puppy or Livestock Owners

Do your puppies come with a health guarantee?

Our puppies are AKC registered.  They come with a health guarantee for one year from the date of purchase.  This can be requested for review.  It is a limited guarantee in that it will not cover communicable diseases.  However, it will cover any genetic or congenital problems that might have been undiscovered at a veterinary check.  We offer the option of microchipping and puppiess come with first shots, worming and vet check.

Is your produce chemical free?

We use no chemicles or pesticides on any of our fruit, vegetables, flowers or animals.  The only exception is our dogs who are treated with heartworm preventative once/month.  When treated, our dogs are isolated and feces scooped for two days, so that no poultry or any other animals can be exposed to the pesticide shed.  This exception is because heartworm is so prevalent in CA and we will not risk our dogs lives.  There has not been an effective organic alternative that we have found.  We are in the process of becoming a Certified Naturally Grown farm.  This is very different than a Ceritifed Organic Farm.  The program is voluntary and led and regulated by farmers, not the government. The standards are exactly the same.  We believe farmers should hold each other accountable.

Are your animals registered?


©2019 by Heritage Mountain Ranch. Proudly created with


To learn more about Great Pyrenees:



To learn more about Certified Naturally Grown:


To learn more about the Livestock Conservancy:


Really cool video that demonstrates protectiveness of Great Pyrenees:  this family was picnicking along the river and dog detected a threat.  Even though family was worried for themselves and their dog, the dog would not give up until the threat was gone!


FAQ: Text
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